Dec 19, 2008

Silverlight Debugging with WinDbg and SOS


In previous post Silverlight Debugging With Visual Studio, I demonstrated that Visual Studio is a powerful and the most convenient tool for debugging managed applications. But for some advanced debugging scenarios, like memory leak, deadlock, runaway process/thread, kernel debugging, and advanced remote/crash/UI debugging etc, WinDbg (or cdb, ntsd, kd) is usually preferred, if not the only option.

Debugging Tools for Windows


WinDbg is part of the Debugging Tools for Windows package:

Debugging Tools for Windows

Even though WinDbg is a GUI program, it is mostly used as a command line debugger like (and often with) kd, cdb and ntsd, and share the same debug engine and commands. It is super powerful and extensible, particularly well suited for system/low-level debugging like drivers and other operating system components. It does require good knowledge of hardware, operating system, and compiler to get the most out of the toolset. It's a great(or perfect, should I say :-) for native debugging, with its extensive and extensible commands and graphic user interface. Managed debugging support is via SOS debug extension, isn't nearly as good as native debugging, but there is tremendous value in being able to do integrated debugging across managed and native boundary, and for Silverlight, it is the only tool I am aware of that can load SOS and do integrated debugging.


WinDbg/cdb/ntsd/kd have been around for a long time, so they are very well documented. It's highly recommended that you read about Debugging Tools for Windows on and msdn. Here I only give a brief overview of its commands, to give you a feel and quick reference. All commands come with run time help (via ?|.help|!help [<cmd>] as discussed below), so an overview is usually enough to get your started.

WinDbg has three sets of commands:

Standard Commands


  • B* commands to set/clear/list/enable/disable breakpoints on address or access
  • D* commands to examine memory(stack/heap, local/global variables and parameters), E* command to modify memory, and S* to search memory
  • K* commands to examine call stack
  • P, T, G* commands for execution control

below ? command output is an great overview and frequent reference for people using windbg/cdb/ntsd/kd:

0:006> ?

Open debugger.chm for complete debugger documentation

B[C|D|E][<bps>] - clear/disable/enable breakpoint(s)
BL - list breakpoints
BA <access> <size> <addr> - set processor breakpoint
BP <address> - set soft breakpoint
D[type][<range>] - dump memory
DT [-n|y] [[mod!]name] [[-n|y]fields]
   [address] [-l list] [-a[]|c|i|o|r[#]|v] - dump using type information
DV [<name>] - dump local variables
E[type] <address> [<values>] - enter memory values
G[H|N] [=<address> [<address>...]] - go
K <count> - stacktrace
KP <count> - stacktrace with source arguments
LM[k|l|u|v] - list modules
LN <expr> - list nearest symbols
P [=<addr>] [<value>] - step over
Q - quit
R [[<reg> [= <expr>]]] - view or set registers
S[<opts>] <range> <values> - search memory
SX [{e|d|i|n} [-c "Cmd1"] [-c2 "Cmd2"] [-h] {Exception|Event|*}] - event filter
T [=<address>] [<expr>] - trace into
U [<range>] - unassemble
version - show debuggee and debugger version
X [<*|module>!]<*|symbol> - view symbols
? <expr> - display expression
?? <expr> - display C++ expression
$< <filename> - take input from a command file

Hit Enter...

<expr> unary ops: + - not by wo dwo qwo poi hi low
       binary ops: + - * / mod(%) and(&) xor(^) or(|)
       comparisons: == (=) < > !=
       operands: number in current radix, public symbol, <reg>
<type> : b (byte), w (word), d[s] (doubleword [with symbols]),
         a (ascii), c (dword and Char), u (unicode), l (list)
         f (float), D (double), s|S (ascii/unicode string)
         q (quadword)
<pattern> : [(nt | <dll-name>)!]<var-name> (<var-name> can include ? and *)
<range> : <address> <address>
        : <address> L <count>

User-mode options:
~ - list threads status
~#s - set default thread
| - list processes status
|#s - set default process

x86 options:
DG <selector> - dump selector
<reg> : [e]ax, [e]bx, [e]cx, [e]dx, [e]si, [e]di, [e]bp, [e]sp, [e]ip, [e]fl,
        al, ah, bl, bh, cl, ch, dl, dh, cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss
        dr0, dr1, dr2, dr3, dr6, dr7
        fpcw, fpsw, fptw, st0-st7, mm0-mm7
<flag> : iopl, of, df, if, tf, sf, zf, af, pf, cf
<addr> : #<16-bit protect-mode [seg:]address>,
         &<V86-mode [seg:]address>

Open debugger.chm for complete debugger documentation

Meta Commands

Those start with a dot, mostly for advanced debugging. Some important commands you should know:

  • .symfix and .sympath for using symbol server
  • .srcfix and .srcpath for using source server
  • .load, .loadby, .unload, .chain, .setdll for managing debug extensions
  • .server, .remote for remote debugging

It is well worth your time to get familiar with symbol server, source server and remote debugging: they will make your life a lot more easier. below is the output of .help command:

0:006> .help
. commands:
   .abandon - abandon the current process
   .allow_exec_cmds [0|1] - control execution commands
   .allow_image_mapping [0|1] - control on-demand image file mapping
   .apply_dbp [<options>] - add current data breakpoint state to a
                            register context
   .asm [<options>] - set disassembly options
   .asm- [<options>] - clear disassembly options
   .attach <proc> - attach to <proc> at next execution
   .block { <commands> } - brackets a set of commands for nested execution
   .bpsync [0|1] - special breakpoint behavior for multithreaded debuggees
   .break - break out of the enclosing loop
   .breakin - break into KD
   .cache [<options>] - virtual memory cache control
   .call <fn>(<arg1>, <arg2>, ...) - run a function in the debuggee
   .catch { <commands> } - catch failures in commands
   .chain - list current extensions
   .childdbg <0|1> - turn child process debugging on or off
   .clients - list currently active clients
   .closehandle [<options>] [<handle>] - close the given handle
   .continue - continue the enclosing loop
   .copysym [<options>] <path> - copy current symbol files to a directory
   .create <command line> - create a new process
   .createdir [<options>] [<path>] - control process creation options
   .cxr <address> - dump context record at specified address
                    k* after this gives cxr stack
   .dbgdbg - attach a debugger to the current debugger
   .debug_sw_wow [0|1] - allow interaction with software WOW emulation
   .detach - detach from the current process/dump
   .dml_file <file> - output DML content from file
   .dml_flow <start> <addr> - show basic block code flow
   .dml_start [<options>] - navigable overview of debugger activities
   .do { <commands> } (<cond>) - execute <commands> until <cond> is zero
   .drivers - This command was removed -- use 'lm' or .reload -l)
   .dump [<options>] <filename> - create a dump file on the host system
   .dvalloc [<options>] <bytes> - VirtualAlloc memory in the debuggee
   .dvfree [<options>] <offset> <bytes> - VirtualFree memory in the debuggee
   .echo ["<string>"|<string>] - echo string
   .echotime - output debugger time
   .echotimestamps [0|1] - toggle timestamp output on events
   .ecxr - dump context record for current exception
   .effmach [<machine>] - change current machine type
   .else { <commands> } - if/then/else conditional execution
   .elsif (<cond>) { <commands> } [<else clauses>] - if/then/else conditional
   .enable_long_status [0|1] - dump LONG types in default base
   .enable_unicode [0|1] - dump USHORT array/pointers and unicode strings
   .endsrv <id> - disable the given engine server
   .endpsrv - cause the current session's remote server to exit
   .enumtag - enumerate available tagged data
   .event_code - display cached event instructions
   .eventlog - display log of recent events
   .events - display and select available events
   .eventstr - display any event strings registered by debuggee
   .exepath [<dir>[;...]] - set executable search path
   .exepath+ [<dir>[;...]] - append executable search path
   .expr - control expression evaluator
   .exptr <address> - do .exr and .cxr for EXCEPTION_POINTERS
   .exr <address> - dump exception record at specified address
   .extmatch [<opts>] <pattern> - display all extensions matching pattern
   .extpath <opts> [<dir>[;...]] - set extension search path
   .extpath+ <opts> [<dir>[;...]] - append extension search path
   .f+ - set current stack frame to caller of current frame
   .f- - set current stack frame to callee of current frame
   .fiber <address> - sets context of fiber at address
                      resets context if no address specified
   .fiximports <pattern> - attempts to link imports for images
   .fnent <address> - dump function entry for the given code address
   .fnret <fnaddr> [<retval>] - display formatted return value
   .for ( <init> ; <cond> ; <step> ) { <commands> } - execute <commands> and
                                                      <step> until <cond> is
   .force_radix_output [0|1] - dump integer types in default base
   .force_system_init [<options>] - force pending systems to initialize if possible
   .force_tb - forcibly allow branch tracing
   .foreach [opts] ( <alias> { <tcmds> } ) { <ecmds> } - execute <ecmds> for
                                                         each token in the
                                                         output of <tcmds>
   .fpo <options> - control override FPO information
   .frame [<frame>] - set current stack frame for locals
   .formats <expr> - displays expression result in many formats
   .help [<options>] - display this help
   .holdmem <options> [range] - hold and compare memory data
   .if (<cond>) { <commands> } [<else clauses>] - if/then/else conditional
   .ignore_missing_pages [0|1] - control kernel summary dump missing
                                 page error message
   .imgscan <options> - scan memory for PE images
   .jdinfo <jdi_addr> - interpret AeDebug information
   .kframes <count> - set default stack trace depth
   .kill - kill the current process
   .lastevent - display the last event that occurred
   .leave - exit the enclosing .catch
   .lines - toggle line symbol loading
   .load <name> - add this extension DLL to the extension chain
   .loadby <name> <mod> - add the extension DLL in the module
                          directory to the extension chain
   .locale [<locale>] - set the current locale
   .logfile - display log status
   .logopen [<file>] - open new log file
   .logappend [<file>] - append to log file
   .logclose - close log file
   .netsyms [0|1] - allow/disallow net symbol paths
   .netuse [<options>] - manage net connections
   .noshell - disable shell commands
   .noversion - disable extension version checking
   .ofilter <pattern> - filter debuggee output against the given pattern
   .ocommand <prefix> - treat output with the given prefix as a command
   .opendump <file> - open a dump file
   .outmask <mask> - set bits in the current output mask
   .outmask- <mask> - clear bits in the current output mask
   .pcmd [<options>] - control per-prompt command
   .pop [<options>] - pop state
   .prefer_dml [0|1] - control DML mode default
   .printf "<format>", <args...> - formatted output
   .process [<address>] - sets implicit process
                          resets default if no address specified
   .prompt_allow [<options>] - control what information can be displayed
                               at the prompt
   .push [<options>] - push state
   .quit_lock [<options>] - locks session against unexpected quit
   .readmem <file> <range> - read raw memory from a file
   .record_branches [0|1] - controls recording of processor branching
   .reload [<image.ext>[=<address>,<size>]] - reload symbols
   .restart - request a session restart
   .remote <pipename> - start remote.exe server
   .secure [0|1] - disallow operations dangerous for the host
   .send_file <options> - send files to remote server
   .server <options> - start engine server
   .servers - list active remoting servers
   .setdll <name> - debugger will search for extensions in this DLL first
   .shell [<command>] - execute shell command
   .show_read_failures [<opts>] - control extra read failure output
   .show_sym_failures [<opts>] - control extra symbol failure output
   .sleep <milliseconds> - debugger sleeps for given duration
                           useful for allowing access to a machine that's
                           broken in on an ntsd -d
   .srcfix [<path extra>] - fix source search path
   .srcfix+ [<path extra>] - append fixed source search path
   .srcnoisy [0|1] - control verbose source loading output
   .srcpath [<dir>[;...]] - set source search path
   .srcpath+ [<dir>[;...]] - append source search path
   .step_filter [<opts>] ["<pattern>[;<pattern>...]"] - Set symbol patterns
                                                        to skip when stepping
   .symfix [<localsym>] - fix symbol search path
   .symfix+ [<localsym>] - append fixed symbol search path
   .symopt <flags> - set symbol options
   .symopt+ <flags> - set symbol options
   .symopt- <flags> - clear symbol options
   .sympath [<dir>[;...]] - set symbol search path
   .sympath+ [<dir>[;...]] - append symbol search path
   .thread [<address>] - sets context of thread at address
                         resets default context if no address specified
   .time - displays session time information
   .ttime - displays thread time information
   .tlist - list running processes
   .typeopt <flags> - set/clear type options
   .unload <name> - remove this extension DLL from the list of extension DLLs
   .unloadall - remove all extension DLLs from the list of extensions DLLs
   .wake - wake up a .sleep'ing debugger
   .while (<cond>) { <commands> } - execute <commands> while <cond> is non-zero
   .writemem <file> <range> - write raw memory to a file

Use ".hh <command>" or open debugger.chm in the debuggers directory to get
detailed documentation on a command.

Extension Commands

Those start with !, usually for a particular area, like SOS extension commands for managed debugging. You can use !<ext>.help to list commands of an extension, like ! For advanced system debugging, like detecting memory leak, deadlock etc, you have to be very familiar with those extension commands.



SOS is the acronym for Son of Strike (don't ask me why), a debug extension for managed debugging. I believe it was invented by CLR team for CLR debugging, so it has been around for a long time, and there are lots of good information on the web. Some recommended readings:

Each version of CLR has its own SOS (.NET Framework 3.5 still uses CLR 2.0, and Silverlight has its own CLR):

Directory of C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\clr10
09/19/2007  07:01 PM           948,784 sos.dll
               1 File(s)        948,784 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\2.0.31005.0
10/05/2008  02:16 AM           495,424 sos.dll
               1 File(s)        495,424 bytes

Directory of C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
07/15/2004  12:35 AM           319,488 SOS.dll
               1 File(s)        319,488 bytes

Directory of C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
07/27/2008  10:03 AM           392,184 SOS.dll
               1 File(s)        392,184 bytes


SOS run time help is so great that you almost don't need any other doc other than a few try and error and some frustration :-)

0:016> !help
SOS is a debugger extension DLL designed to aid in the debugging of managed
programs. Functions are listed by category, then roughly in order of
importance. Shortcut names for popular functions are listed in parenthesis.
Type "!help <functionname>" for detailed info on that function.

Object Inspection                  Examining code and stacks
-----------------------------      -----------------------------
DumpObj (do)                       Threads
DumpArray (da)                     CLRStack
DumpStackObjects (dso)             IP2MD
DumpHeap                           U
DumpVC                             DumpStack
GCRoot                             EEStack
ObjSize                            GCInfo
FinalizeQueue                      EHInfo
PrintException (pe)                COMState
TraverseHeap                       BPMD

Examining CLR data structures      Diagnostic Utilities
-----------------------------      -----------------------------
DumpDomain                         VerifyHeap
EEHeap                             VerifyObj
Name2EE                            FindRoots
SyncBlk                            HeapStat
DumpMT                             GCWhere
DumpClass                          ListNearObj (lno)
DumpMD                             GCHandles
Token2EE                           GCHandleLeaks
EEVersion                          FinalizeQueue (fq)
DumpModule                         FindAppDomain
ThreadPool                         SaveModule
DumpAssembly                       ProcInfo
DumpSigElem                        StopOnException (soe)
DumpRuntimeTypes                   DumpLog
DumpSig                            VMMap
RCWCleanupList                     VMStat
DumpIL                             MinidumpMode
                                   AnalyzeOOM (ao)

Examining the GC history           Other
-----------------------------      -----------------------------
HistInit                           FAQ

Sample Debug Demonstration

I will use the same simplest Silverlight application in previous post (Silverlight Debugging With Visual Studio) to demonstrate WinDbg debugging with SOS:


Here is the debug log with my annotations (start with //):

// set up symbol path to use symbol server
0:013> .sympath
Symbol search path is: <empty>
0:013> .symfix C:\Users\ningz\AppData\Local\Temp\Symbols
0:013> .sympath
Symbol search path is: SRV*C:\Users\ningz\AppData\Local\Temp\Symbols*\\symbols\symbols

// add pdb path for the application being debugged
0:013> .sympath+"C:\Users\ningz\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SilverlightApplication1\SilverlightApplication1\Bin\Debug"
Symbol search path is: SRV*C:\Users\ningz\AppData\Local\Temp\Symbols*;C:\Users\ningz\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SilverlightApplication1\SilverlightApplication1\Bin\Debug

// reload all symbols
0:013> .reload
Reloading current modules

// set up source path to use source server
0:013> .srcpath
Source search path is: <empty>
0:013> .srcfix
Source search path is: SRV*
0:013> .srcpath+"C:\Users\ningz\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SilverlightApplication1\SilverlightApplication1"
Source search path is: SRV*;C:\Users\ningz\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SilverlightApplication1\SilverlightApplication1

// load SOS. Please note:
// 1. it seems mscorwks is replaced with coreclr in Silverlight
// 2. instead of .loadby, you can also use .load "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\2.0.31005.0\sos.dll"
0:013> .loadby sos coreclr
Loaded c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\2.0.31005.0\sos extension DLL

//set a breakpoint for button click event handler
0:013> !bpmd SilverlightApplication1 SilverlightApplication1.Page.Button_Click
Found 1 methods...
MethodDesc = 03983a30
Adding pending breakpoints...
0:013> bl
0 e 0428215b     0001 (0001)  0:****
0:013> g
ModLoad: 70800000 7080c000   C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll

// click the button and break into windbg
Breakpoint 0 hit
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for SilverlightApplication1.dll
04850398 55              push    ebp
Integrated managed debugging does not support enumeration of local variables.
http://dbg/managed.htm for more details.
Managed frame processing failed, HRESULT 0x80004005

// compare !threads and ~* output
0:005> !threads // list managed threads only
ThreadCount:      3
UnstartedThread:  0
BackgroundThread: 3
PendingThread:    0
DeadThread:       0
Hosted Runtime:   yes
                                      PreEmptive   GC Alloc           Lock
       ID OSID ThreadOBJ    State     GC       Context       Domain   Count APT Exception
   5    1 1b08 043576e0       220 Disabled 04f9f214:04f9ffe8 06f529d8     0 STA
   9    2  928 043689c8      b220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 0433c738     0 MTA (Finalizer)
  10    3 1e8c 06f509d0      1220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 0433c738     0 Ukn
0:005> ~* // list all threads
   0  Id: 162c.1a28 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffde000 Unfrozen
      Start: iexplore!wWinMainCRTStartup (00a52d79)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
   2  Id: 162c.1020 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffdc000 Unfrozen
      Start: ole32!CRpcThreadCache::RpcWorkerThreadEntry (76dfe0cc)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
   3  Id: 162c.1e00 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffda000 Unfrozen
      Start: ntdll!TppWaiterpThread (778ab61b)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
   4  Id: 162c.1f00 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffd9000 Unfrozen
      Start: msvcrt!_endthreadex+0x6f (76162da8)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
.  5  Id: 162c.1b08 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffd8000 Unfrozen
      Start: IEFRAME!CTabWindow::_TabWindowThreadProc (6c163fdb)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
   7  Id: 162c.170 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffd6000 Unfrozen
      Start: npctrl!CXcpDispatcher::DispatcherTimerCallback (6a6d16f4)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
   8  Id: 162c.1cd0 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffd5000 Unfrozen
      Start: coreclr!DebuggerRCThread::ThreadProcStatic (640eb5cd)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
   9  Id: 162c.928 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffd4000 Unfrozen
      Start: coreclr!Thread::intermediateThreadProc (63fb8e4f)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
  10  Id: 162c.1e8c Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffd3000 Unfrozen
      Start: coreclr!Thread::intermediateThreadProc (63fb8e4f)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
  11  Id: 162c.1fac Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffaf000 Unfrozen
      Start: agcore!CMulticoreTaskScheduler::WorkerThread (660547de)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
  12  Id: 162c.1b78 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffae000 Unfrozen
      Start: agcore!CMulticoreTaskScheduler::WorkerThread (660547de)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
  13  Id: 162c.1d18 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffdb000 Unfrozen
      Start: ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart (778c9a78)
      Priority: 0  Priority class: 32  Affinity: 3
Managed frame processing failed, HRESULT 0x80004005
Integrated managed debugging does not support enumeration of local variables.
http://dbg/managed.htm for more details.

// compare !clrstack & k output
0:005> !clrstack -p // list managed stack frames only
OS Thread Id: 0x1b08 (5)
ESP       EIP    
0450f850 04800398 SilverlightApplication1.Page.Button_Click(System.Object, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
        this (<CLR reg>) = 0x04f59c78
        sender (<CLR reg>) = 0x04f5b948
        e (0x0450f854) = 0x04f9f1f0

0450f858 048cde0d System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick()
        this (0x0450f864) = 0x04f5b948

0450f870 048cdd10 System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick()
        this = <no data>

0450f880 048cdc3d System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs)
        this (0x0450f884) = 0x04f5b948
        e (0x0450f880) = 0x04f9f188

0450f890 048cdba1 System.Windows.Controls.Control.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(System.Windows.Controls.Control, System.EventArgs)
        ctrl = <no data>
        e = <no data>

0450f8a0 0483a0e7 MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr, IntPtr, Int32, System.String)
        unmanagedObj (0x0450f8f8) = 0x04355c48
        unmanagedObjArgs (0x0450f8f4) = 0x0707be00
        argsTypeIndex (0x0450f928) = 0x000000a9
        eventName (0x0450f924) = 0x04f9f16c

0450fa74 63ef17b0 [GCFrame: 0450fa74]
0450fb30 63ef17b0 [ContextTransitionFrame: 0450fb30]
0450fc28 63ef17b0 [UMThkCallFrame: 0450fc28]
0:005> kP // list all stack frames
ChildEBP RetAddr 
0450f868 048cde0d SilverlightApplication1!Button_Click(<HRESULT 0x80004001>)
0450f868 048cdd10 System_Windows!System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick(<HRESULT 0x80004001>)+0x5d
0450f878 048cdc3d System_Windows!System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick(<HRESULT 0x80004001>)+0x48
0450f888 048cdba1 System_Windows!System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(<HRESULT 0x80004001>)+0x85
0450f898 0483a0e7 System_Windows!System.Windows.Controls.Control.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(<HRESULT 0x80004001>)+0x41
0450f91c 63ef17b0 System_Windows!MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(<HRESULT 0x80004001>)+0x1b7
0450f934 63ef5f98 coreclr!CallDescrWorker+0x33
0450f9b0 63f032bc coreclr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0x8e
0450f9d0 63f0345c coreclr!ForwardCallToManagedMethod+0x55
0450faf4 63fc4abf coreclr!DoUMThunkCallWorker+0x199
0450fbe0 04c513d2 coreclr!DoUMThunkCall+0x1b4
WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.
0450fc10 6607e0db 0x4c513d2
0450fc70 6a6dc1fc agcore!CCoreServices::CLR_FireEvent+0x183
Managed frame processing failed, HRESULT 0x80004005
0450fc84 6a6dc187 npctrl!CommonBrowserHost::CLR_FireEvent+0x2a
0450fcc8 6a6dc048 npctrl!CControlBase::ScriptCallback+0x366
0450fd08 6a6dc013 npctrl!CXcpDispatcher::OnScriptCallback+0xee
0450fd14 6a6dbfef npctrl!CXcpDispatcher::OnWindowMessage+0x3a
0450fd2c 7731f8d2 npctrl!CXcpDispatcher::WindowProc+0x7f
0450fd58 7731f794 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x23
0450fdd0 77320008 USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x14b

// examine heap, note the convenience of strong typed object heap,
// instead of un-typed bytes as in native heap
0:005> !dumpheap -type SilverlightApplication1
Address       MT     Size
04f4f31c 046336b0       36    
04f59c78 04633a6c       68    
total 2 objects
      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
046336b0        1           36 SilverlightApplication1.App
04633a6c        1           68 SilverlightApplication1.Page
Total 2 objects
0:005> !do 04f59c78
Name:        SilverlightApplication1.Page
MethodTable: 04633a6c
EEClass:     0463196c
Size:        68(0x44) bytes
File:        SilverlightApplication1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name
047d97a0  40000dc        4  0 instance 04f5a5c0 m_nativePtr
04853ab8  40000df        8 ... System.Windows]]  0 instance 00000000 _valueTable
047d9874  40000e0        c ...reTypeEventHelper  0 instance 04f5a600 _coreTypeEventHelper
04856388  40000e3       10 ...bject, mscorlib]]  0 instance 04f79a58 _treeChildren
047ae03c  40000e4       14 ...rnal.IManagedPeer  0 instance 00000000 _treeParent
03d50a90  40000dd      2b0        System.IntPtr  1   shared   static StaticNativePointer
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:00000000 <<
03d50f28  40000de      2b4       System.Boolean  1   shared   static _isCoreCreate
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:0 <<
047ae384  40000e1        8 ....DependencyObject  0   shared   static PropertyReferencesHolder
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f489b8 <<
04661618  40000e2        c ...flection.Assembly  0   shared   static _executingAssembly
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:00000000 <<
047d0b90  40000f1       18  0 instance 00000000 m_pAP
047d7404  40000e8       10 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static OpacityProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a4a8 <<
047d7404  40000e9       14 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ClipProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a4d0 <<
047d7404  40000ea       18 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static RenderTransformProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a4f8 <<
047d7404  40000eb       1c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static OpacityMaskProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a50c <<
047d7404  40000ec       20 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static RenderTransformOriginProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a534 <<
047d7404  40000ed       24 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsHitTestVisibleProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a548 <<
047d7404  40000ee       28 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static VisibilityProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a570 <<
047d7404  40000ef       2c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static RenderSizeProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a598 <<
047d7404  40000f0       30 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static UseLayoutRoundingProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a5ac <<
00000000  4000108       1c                       0 instance 00000000 BindingValidationError
04856ae4  400010a       20 ...angedEventHandler  0 instance 00000000 DPChanged
048bc8a4  400010b       24 ...angedEventHandler  0 instance 00000000 DataContextChanged
03d50f28  400010c       2c       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 _isDataContextBound
0481f43c  400010d       28 ...angedEventHandler  0 instance 00000000 _sizeChanged
047d7404  40000f2       34 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TriggersProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a144 <<
047d7404  40000f3       38 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ResourcesProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a158 <<
047d7404  40000f4       3c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static LanguageProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a180 <<
047d7404  40000f5       40 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ActualWidthProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a194 <<
047d7404  40000f6       44 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ActualHeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1a8 <<
047d7404  40000f7       48 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static WidthProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1bc <<
047d7404  40000f8       4c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static HeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1d0 <<
047d7404  40000f9       50 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MinWidthProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1e4 <<
047d7404  40000fa       54 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MaxWidthProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1f8 <<
047d7404  40000fb       58 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MinHeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a20c <<
047d7404  40000fc       5c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MaxHeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a220 <<
047d7404  40000fd       60 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static HorizontalAlignmentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a234 <<
047d7404  40000fe       64 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static VerticalAlignmentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a248 <<
047d7404  40000ff       68 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MarginProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a25c <<
047d7404  4000100       6c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static StyleProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a284 <<
047d7404  4000101       70 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ParentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a2ac <<
047d7404  4000102       74 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static NameProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a2c0 <<
047d7404  4000103       78 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TagProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a2d4 <<
047d7404  4000104       7c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TagInternalProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a2fc <<
04851464  4000105       80 ...ndows.RoutedEvent  0   shared   static LoadedEvent
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a420 <<
047d7404  4000106       84 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static CursorProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a440 <<
047d7404  4000107       88 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static InstanceDelegateStoreProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a468 <<
047d7404  4000109       8c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static DataContextProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a494 <<
047a1e2c  400010e       90 ...rence, mscorlib]]  0   shared   static _staticDelegateList
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:00000000 <<
00000000  4000264       30 ...angedEventHandler  0 instance 00000000 IsEnabledChanged
047d7404  4000252      430 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsTabStopProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59ce4 <<
047d7404  4000253      434 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TabIndexProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59cf8 <<
047d7404  4000254      438 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TemplateProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59d20 <<
047d7404  4000255      43c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TabNavigationProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59d48 <<
047d7404  4000256      440 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static PaddingProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59d70 <<
047d7404  4000257      444 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59d98 <<
047d7404  4000258      448 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static VerticalContentAlignmentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59dc0 <<
047d7404  4000259      44c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static BackgroundProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59de8 <<
047d7404  400025a      450 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static BorderBrushProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59dfc <<
047d7404  400025b      454 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static BorderThicknessProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e10 <<
047d7404  400025c      458 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontSizeProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e24 <<
047d7404  400025d      45c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontFamilyProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e4c <<
047d7404  400025e      460 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ForegroundProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e60 <<
047d7404  400025f      464 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontWeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e88 <<
047d7404  4000260      468 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontStyleProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59eb0 <<
047d7404  4000261      46c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontStretchProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59ed8 <<
047d7404  4000262      470 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static DefaultStyleKeyProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59eec <<
047d7404  4000263      474 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsEnabledProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59f00 <<
04857f14  4000265      478 ... System.Windows]]  0   shared   static _resourceDictionaryCache
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5cae4 <<
03cf5668  4000266      47c      System.Object[]  0   shared   static _controlDelgates
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59f14 <<
047d7404  4000501      77c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ContentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59cd0 <<
04852580  4000002       34 ...ows.Controls.Grid  0 instance 04f79770 LayoutRoot
04852a10  4000003       38 ...s.Controls.Button  0 instance 04f5b948 button
03d50f28  4000004       3c       System.Boolean  1 instance        1 _contentLoaded

// two lines above is the button object of the page object
// remember its address 04f5b948, since we will refer to it later
// we can get the same address for the button object via dumpheap command:
0:005> !dumpheap -mt 04852a10 
Address       MT     Size
04f5b948 04852a10       92    
total 1 objects
      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
04852a10        1           92 System.Windows.Controls.Button
Total 1 objects
0:005> !gcwhere 04f5b948 // button is in gen0, since there is no GC yet
Address            Gen   Heap   segment            begin              allocated           size
04f5b948   0      0     04f40000   04f41000   04f9fff4    0x5c(92)
0:005> !gcroot 04f5b948  // see who's holding reference to the button object
Note: Roots found on stacks may be false positives. Run "!help gcroot" for
more info.
// registry references
ecx:Root:  04f59c78(SilverlightApplication1.Page)->
edx:Root:  04f5b948(System.Windows.Controls.Button)->
// stack references
Scan Thread 5 OSTHread 1b08
ESP:450f860:Root:  04f5ca18(System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler)->
ESP:450f864:Root:  04f5b948(System.Windows.Controls.Button)->
ESP:450f874:Root:  04f5b948(System.Windows.Controls.Button)->
ESP:450f884:Root:  04f5b948(System.Windows.Controls.Button)->
ESP:450f894:Root:  04f5b948(System.Windows.Controls.Button)->
ESP:450f8d4:Root:  04f5b948(System.Windows.Controls.Button)->
ESP:450f8e4:Root:  04f5b948(System.Windows.Controls.Button)->
Scan Thread 9 OSTHread 928
Scan Thread 10 OSTHread 1e8c
// domain references
DOMAIN(06F529D8):HANDLE(Pinned):46412f8:Root:  05f44260(System.Object[])->
  04f45234(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Object, mscorlib]])->
Managed frame processing failed, HRESULT 0x80004005
Integrated managed debugging does not support enumeration of local variables.
http://dbg/managed.htm for more details.

// examine the button object itself
0:005> !do 04f5b948
Name:        System.Windows.Controls.Button
MethodTable: 04852a10
EEClass:     0482e5f0
Size:        92(0x5c) bytes
File:        c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\2.0.31005.0\System.Windows.dll
      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name
047d97a0  40000dc        4  0 instance 04f5bd58 m_nativePtr
04853ab8  40000df        8 ... System.Windows]]  0 instance 04f5c0bc _valueTable
047d9874  40000e0        c ...reTypeEventHelper  0 instance 04f5bd88 _coreTypeEventHelper
04856388  40000e3       10 ...bject, mscorlib]]  0 instance 04f5bee8 _treeChildren
047ae03c  40000e4       14 ...rnal.IManagedPeer  0 instance 04f79770 _treeParent
03d50a90  40000dd      2b0        System.IntPtr  1   shared   static StaticNativePointer
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:00000000 <<
03d50f28  40000de      2b4       System.Boolean  1   shared   static _isCoreCreate
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:0 <<
047ae384  40000e1        8 ....DependencyObject  0   shared   static PropertyReferencesHolder
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f489b8 <<
04661618  40000e2        c ...flection.Assembly  0   shared   static _executingAssembly
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:00000000 <<
047d0b90  40000f1       18  0 instance 00000000 m_pAP
047d7404  40000e8       10 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static OpacityProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a4a8 <<
047d7404  40000e9       14 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ClipProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a4d0 <<
047d7404  40000ea       18 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static RenderTransformProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a4f8 <<
047d7404  40000eb       1c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static OpacityMaskProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a50c <<
047d7404  40000ec       20 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static RenderTransformOriginProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a534 <<
047d7404  40000ed       24 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsHitTestVisibleProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a548 <<
047d7404  40000ee       28 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static VisibilityProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a570 <<
047d7404  40000ef       2c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static RenderSizeProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a598 <<
047d7404  40000f0       30 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static UseLayoutRoundingProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a5ac <<
00000000  4000108       1c                       0 instance 00000000 BindingValidationError
04856ae4  400010a       20 ...angedEventHandler  0 instance 00000000 DPChanged
048bc8a4  400010b       24 ...angedEventHandler  0 instance 00000000 DataContextChanged
03d50f28  400010c       2c       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 _isDataContextBound
0481f43c  400010d       28 ...angedEventHandler  0 instance 00000000 _sizeChanged
047d7404  40000f2       34 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TriggersProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a144 <<
047d7404  40000f3       38 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ResourcesProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a158 <<
047d7404  40000f4       3c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static LanguageProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a180 <<
047d7404  40000f5       40 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ActualWidthProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a194 <<
047d7404  40000f6       44 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ActualHeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1a8 <<
047d7404  40000f7       48 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static WidthProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1bc <<
047d7404  40000f8       4c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static HeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1d0 <<
047d7404  40000f9       50 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MinWidthProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1e4 <<
047d7404  40000fa       54 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MaxWidthProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a1f8 <<
047d7404  40000fb       58 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MinHeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a20c <<
047d7404  40000fc       5c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MaxHeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a220 <<
047d7404  40000fd       60 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static HorizontalAlignmentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a234 <<
047d7404  40000fe       64 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static VerticalAlignmentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a248 <<
047d7404  40000ff       68 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static MarginProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a25c <<
047d7404  4000100       6c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static StyleProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a284 <<
047d7404  4000101       70 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ParentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a2ac <<
047d7404  4000102       74 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static NameProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a2c0 <<
047d7404  4000103       78 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TagProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a2d4 <<
047d7404  4000104       7c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TagInternalProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a2fc <<
04851464  4000105       80 ...ndows.RoutedEvent  0   shared   static LoadedEvent
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a420 <<
047d7404  4000106       84 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static CursorProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a440 <<
047d7404  4000107       88 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static InstanceDelegateStoreProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a468 <<
047d7404  4000109       8c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static DataContextProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5a494 <<
047a1e2c  400010e       90 ...rence, mscorlib]]  0   shared   static _staticDelegateList
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:00000000 <<
00000000  4000264       30 ...angedEventHandler  0 instance 00000000 IsEnabledChanged
047d7404  4000252      430 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsTabStopProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59ce4 <<
047d7404  4000253      434 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TabIndexProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59cf8 <<
047d7404  4000254      438 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TemplateProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59d20 <<
047d7404  4000255      43c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static TabNavigationProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59d48 <<
047d7404  4000256      440 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static PaddingProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59d70 <<
047d7404  4000257      444 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59d98 <<
047d7404  4000258      448 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static VerticalContentAlignmentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59dc0 <<
047d7404  4000259      44c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static BackgroundProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59de8 <<
047d7404  400025a      450 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static BorderBrushProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59dfc <<
047d7404  400025b      454 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static BorderThicknessProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e10 <<
047d7404  400025c      458 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontSizeProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e24 <<
047d7404  400025d      45c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontFamilyProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e4c <<
047d7404  400025e      460 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ForegroundProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e60 <<
047d7404  400025f      464 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontWeightProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59e88 <<
047d7404  4000260      468 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontStyleProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59eb0 <<
047d7404  4000261      46c ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static FontStretchProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59ed8 <<
047d7404  4000262      470 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static DefaultStyleKeyProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59eec <<
047d7404  4000263      474 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsEnabledProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59f00 <<
04857f14  4000265      478 ... System.Windows]]  0   shared   static _resourceDictionaryCache
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5cae4 <<
03cf5668  4000266      47c      System.Object[]  0   shared   static _controlDelgates
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f59f14 <<
03cf44e8  40002b4       34        System.Object  0 instance 00000000 _treeContent
047d7404  40002b3      530 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ContentTemplateProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5bd30 <<
047d7404  40002b5      534 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ContentProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5bd44 <<
03d50f28  40005aa       40       System.Boolean  1 instance        1 _isLoaded
03d50f28  40005ab       41       System.Boolean  1 instance        1 _isMouseCaptured
03d50f28  40005ac       42       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 _isSpaceKeyDown
03d50f28  40005ad       43       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 _isMouseLeftButtonDown
04852208  40005ae       48 System.Windows.Point  1 instance 04f5b990 _mousePosition
048b5f98  40005af       38 ...mation.Storyboard  0 instance 00000000 _currentState
03d50f28  40005b0       44       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 _suspendStateChanges
0481fae0  40005b1       3c ...outedEventHandler  0 instance 04f5ca18 Click
047d7404  40005a6      7e0 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static ClickModeProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5ba7c <<
047d7404  40005a7      7e4 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsFocusedProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5bb38 <<
047d7404  40005a8      7e8 ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsMouseOverProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5bbd8 <<
047d7404  40005a9      7ec ...ependencyProperty  0   shared   static IsPressedProperty
    >> Domain:Value  0433c738:NotInit  06f529d8:04f5bc40 <<

// dump button.Click field (9 lines above)
0:005> !do 04f5ca18
Name:        System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler
MethodTable: 0481fae0
EEClass:     0482c99c
Size:        32(0x20) bytes
File:        c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\2.0.31005.0\System.Windows.dll
      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name
03cf44e8  40001e0        4        System.Object  0 instance 04f59c78 _target
04663c58  40001e1        8 ...ection.MethodBase  0 instance 00000000 _methodBase
03d50a90  40001e2        c        System.IntPtr  1 instance  463c08c _methodPtr
03d50a90  40001e3       10        System.IntPtr  1 instance        0 _methodPtrAux
03cf44e8  40001e4       14        System.Object  0 instance 00000000 _invocationList
03d50a90  40001e5       18        System.IntPtr  1 instance        0 _invocationCount

0:005> !do -nofields 04f59c78 // verify _target is page
Name:        SilverlightApplication1.Page
MethodTable: 04633a6c
EEClass:     0463196c
Size:        68(0x44) bytes
File:        SilverlightApplication1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

// verify _methodPtr points to Button_Click
// see how they are all linked together
0:005> ln 463c08c
(0463c08c)   SilverlightApplication1.Page.Button_Click(System.Object, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
0:005> u 463c08c // jit-ed method stub
SilverlightApplication1.Page.Button_Click(System.Object, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs):
0463c08c b8303a6304      mov     eax,4633A30h
0463c091 89ed            mov     ebp,ebp
0463c093 e900431c00      jmp     SilverlightApplication1!Button_Click (04800398)
0463c098 0000            add     byte ptr [eax],al
0463c09a 0000            add     byte ptr [eax],al
0463c09c 0000            add     byte ptr [eax],al
0463c09e 0000            add     byte ptr [eax],al
0463c0a0 0000            add     byte ptr [eax],al
0:005> u eip // jit-ed native code
04800398 55              push    ebp
04800399 8bec            mov     ebp,esp
0480039b 83ec08          sub     esp,8
0480039e 894dfc          mov     dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx
048003a1 8955f8          mov     dword ptr [ebp-8],edx
048003a4 833d7435630400  cmp     dword ptr ds:[4633574h],0
048003ab 7405            je      SilverlightApplication1!Button_Click+0x1a (048003b2)
048003ad e8862a895f      call    coreclr!JIT_DbgIsJustMyCode (64092e38)
0:005> !ip2md 04800398
MethodDesc:  04633a30
Method Name: SilverlightApplication1.Page.Button_Click(System.Object, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
Class:       0463196c
MethodTable: 04633a6c
mdToken:     06000008
Module:      046333b4
IsJitted:    yes
CodeAddr:    04800398
0:005> !dumpil 04633a30
ilAddr = 047e03fe
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ret

When I have time, I may write a blog post on CLR internals, to demonstrate how objects are laid out in memory, how method calls are dispatched etc.


This is a long post, but still it barely constitute an overview of WinDbg and SOS. Good understanding of CLR is important for coding and debugging, WinDbg with SOS is the best tool to explore CLR and do advanced debugging. Hope this short yet long post will help you get started in exploring CLR and Silverlight. Thanks!